Sunday, February 26, 2012

Febuary 23rd, 2012

What a day.I had some bleeding today so off to the ER we went. What a waste if you ask me. We sat there for 3 hours, they came back and took about 6 vials of blood, the woman hurt me so bad, not easy at all. Then we waited another 1 1/2hours and flagged down a nurse asking what was going on. 10-15minutes later I was whisked away to have an ultrasound. Imagine having 2 women fighting over an internal ultrasound probe....yeah didnt feel good at all. I was almost in tears most of the ultrasound because they were very rough with it. We saw a beautiful gestational sac, well more like Andrew did since I couldn't see the screen. Found out my HCG from 7:30pm was 3242! WOOT! it doubled again. We get taken back to the room where the ER Dr. wanted to do an internal exam which we kindly refused since my Dr. doesn't want many done on me. They come in, hand me papers on a threatened miscarriage and we are gone. 3 days later and no more bleeding. We found the cause of the cramping and sever back ache, seems I have two uge knots in my lower back. Called my dr on the 24th to get my hcg levels from my draw at 8am on the 23rd, 1989 which means we def doubled! I feel alot better about this all now.

Febuary 21st 2012

We are at Wal-mart walking around waiting for the dr's office to open to get our results. Andrew finally got a hold of the nurse, I race to the front door expecting bad news and knowing I will burst into tears. 797!!! We more than doubled!! I passed the first part.

Febuary 20th, 2012

This has been the longest 3 days for me. We go to get our 2nd blood draw today and find out our numbers from the first. I send Andrew next door to get the results, I can't. I get my blood drawn and wait for Andrew. First number 202, omg is that low?

First Dr. appt.

First doctor appt schedule for Feb 17th. We get to the dr and I am shaking and nervous as all get out. Because of my past losses the dr. wanted to see me. They took a pregnancy test, positive. Dr came in and did all his fun exams, everything looks perfect. He shoots out a game plan at us, ultrasound scheduled for that week, 3 hcg draws, no pap smear and limited internal exam, high risk pregnancy. I am so nervous, I never passed the HCG levels before. I am shaking the whole time, not able to concentrate fully on what the Dr. is saying. First blood draw that day. We walk out of the office and over to get my first blood draw done. Omg I hope I pass this test.

This can't be real..

I was up half the night on Feb 12th trying to come up with reasons not to test..Andrew told me to just do it and move on *LOL* very supportive. We went to Wal-Mart today to get some food and while there I ran and got some tests, still debating in my mind if I should or shouldn't. It has been a year since our loss and I think my body has finally gave up after all. I grab the tests before I can change my mind and head to the check-out. I hurry and scan them, just knowing that I am wasting my money. We stop at Burger King on the way home for breakfast and I am almost in tears over thinking I just wasted $7. We get home and I head straight to the bathroom to see the lovely negative that I am so used to. I take the test feeling defeated..wait....what's this. 2 lines show up immediately, I run into the bedroom where Andrew is shaking. I launch the test at him and walk off bawling and shaking. I can't believe it! 13months after our loss I AM PREGNANT!!! Baby Turner is on the way. Now time to call the Dr.